Thanks for your continued support of Rock Valley Christian School! God is using so many of you to bless us!
Check out the links to learn more about how you can continue to support Rock Valley Christian School.
Welcome the Warriors
Rock Valley experienced mass flooding in July 2024. Our school building was filled with several feet of flood water, a couple fish and other debris.
For 113 years, RVCS has educated God's children for a life of service and commitment. RVCS has rebuilt the school from the inside out.
RVCS invites you to participate in a giving opportunity due to the school's nearly total loss of furniture, fixtures, equipment and curriculum. The cost estimate to prepare is $5,000 per student. Would you consider giving $50, $250, $500, or sponsoring the full cost of a child at $5,000 (or even consider sponsoring multiple children)? Every gift matters!
This fall, 215 students entered the doors (only a week late!), ready to learn about God and His world. We are so excited to see everyone and offer a place of "normalcy". To God be the glory!
Donations may be sent to: Rock Valley Christian School, c/o Welcome the Warriors, 1405 17th Street, Rock Valley, IA 51247
Thank you for your support of Christian Education and Rock Valley Christian School!
Other opportunities include:
Donations to either consignment shop - Nearly New Town or Economy Shop - to support the Foundation
Consignment Instructions and Guidelines (10/2021)
Amazon Smile - If you shop Amazon, please consider selecting Rock Valley Christian as your Amazon Smile rebate recipient.
Arrows Pop Can collection - Iowa 5-cent refund aluminum cans, plastic bottles, and glass bottles may be brought to the collection shed located behind the school building. This is a continuous project.